(This is my very favourite post, written way back in 2009....posting now)
"साँस लेना भी कैसी आदत है
जिए जाना भी क्या रवायत है
कोई आहट नहीं बदन में कहीं
कोई साया नहीं है आखों में
पाॅव बे-हिस हैं, चलते जाते हैं
एक सफर जो बेहता रहता है
कितने बरसों से, कितने सदियों से
साँस लेते हैं, जीते रहते हैं
आदतें भी अजीब होती हैं"
Am just in a trance…..whenever I watch this movie…& probably…watching this movie has also become a habit….which in a way defines me at this moment!!!
Once again…a Gulzar masterpiece!!! Recently watched the movie “Ijaazat” quite a few times and each time these lines stick out…the more you think about it….more they echo every moment….more true they seem. Life….isn’t it just a congregation of some habits which we build over time and then just Live by them….& these habits are what finally define us.
And this is so much more apt between two people who have shared their lives together for a good period….(as in the context of the movie as well – note that ‘shared’ is the key word here….its not just living together we are talking of…will come to that later…but its pretty similar to the difference between ‘breathing’ and ‘living’ as I often talk of)….you know each other’s reaction to everything small and big, what one needs when…what would one say to something. Familiarity leads to habits & then we, as people also so often become just each other’s habits and habits we all know are so difficult to get out of….
In the movie…As Naseer muses “आदतें भी अजीब होती हैं.....”, comes a shuttle response from Rekha – “आदतें तो चली भी जाएँ, अधिकार नहीं जाते....”. Now…what does one say to that??? Bang on!!!....
I so much believe…it’s the rights that someone gives you over themselves that define a relationship….and its depth….this is so much more important than just living together!!! (i pick up the above loose thread here)….we might live with someone for ages….and still not know each other much….bcoz we never gave each other the right to explore…..to look deep within ourselves…to question (this….i think is very very important)….to fight…to argue!!! There can not be any love…without these rights….they are almost a pre-requisite…& where there is love…..they come naturally….there need not be any effort made….you just allow the other person of everything….including often to even break your heart now & then J Yes…strangely, I somehow believe….more than all hunky-dory talks….its probably much more important to fight…to argue….to find out the differences thread bare….because in debates…we are more closer to our real selves!!! Can you instantly shout at someone?…..how much right ‘to be yourself’ you have in front of someone without any strings attached? is what finally matures the relationship…defines the rights we have over each other….and these rights slowly transcend into small..big habits….which make up our Life….
& When you share yourself once in this manner…its soooooooooooooooooooo difficult to get yourself back…..one should probably never even try…just let it be…let past be sweet memories……let bygones be bygones….
Finally to wrap-up: Here’s the full version of the golden words….
"साँस लेना भी कैसी आदत है
जिए जाना भी क्या रवायत है
कोई आहट नहीं बदन में कहीं
कोई साया नहीं है आखों में
पाॅव बे-हिस हैं, चलते जाते हैं
एक सफर जो बेहता रहता है
कितने बरसों से, कितने सदियों से
साँस लेते हैं, जीते रहते हैं
आदतें भी अजीब होती हैं"
Am just in a trance…..whenever I watch this movie…& probably…watching this movie has also become a habit….which in a way defines me at this moment!!!