Photo courtesy: http://www.wowzone.com/phoenix.htm
Life....isn't it all about Rising From the Ashes...again and again and again. Ashes...which signify so much - ashes which prove that we burn ourselves daily in this mysterious funny place called...the world...the society!! Ashes...of our own death...death not in the sense of stopping to breath (anyway, who the hell says...that breathing is living; we all just breathe in and out...very few live!!), but the death of our individuality, our identity, our ideals, our emotions, death of the human being within us. Death where we lose touch with our inner-self.
I quote Ishrat Afreen here...beautifully sung by Jagjit Singh:
"अपनी आग को ज़िंदा रखना कितना मुश्किल है,
पत्थर बीच आइना रखना कितना मुश्किल है"
So...this one is dedicated to my dear friend Shashank who rekindled the fire within...probably unknowingly...but credits are due.
I happened to read his poetry blog and liked his poems...so much so that my conscience snubbed me, cursed me...for having stopped to write...& my pen started flowing on its own. Strange...I, who was a prolific poet at one time...with an enviable collection of poems...dreaming and waiting for them to be published one day...haven't written a single poem...for more than 6 years. Where it all got lost...in the rut of life...but the pen just stopped. It felt so bad, it pinched...made conscious efforts to revive myself...but who knows better than me...that poetry doesn't come like this, poetry doesn't come...when you have killed a part of yourself and left it behind somewhere to lie stinking...poetry doesn't come when you are pre-occupied with the rat-race...Poetry happens when you are in connect with your inner-self...when you can web a spell of magic around small feelings...poetry happens when you LIVE
Here's to you, my first poem after 6 years:
शायर मरा नहीं करते
तेरे कलम की श्याही कागज़ पर जो देखी
तो याद आया
मरे हुए शायर का वो ज़माना
और दिल ने आवाज़ दी...
शायर मरा नहीं करते
फिर सूखी हुई श्याही पर एक बूँद पड़ी
और न जाने क्यों ये लगा....
की फिर कोई ग़ालिब फिर कोई मीर होने को है
फिर उतरेगा आँखों में लहू...
फिर कलम उगलेगी आग
फिर हाथों की जुम्बिश काम आएगी
शायद... सच ही है
शायर मरा नहीं करते
हम इंतज़ार करेंगे
फिर जिगर से निकलेगी कोई आवाज़
- Me, who else
Penned on 18th June, 2007
1 comment:
Yaar, its an honor for me that u are crediting me for all this but we all know how gud u are at poetry. If I knew that u havent been writting for all these yrs, I wld have pinched u earlier.
I was reading Kurt Vonnegut's final interview recently where he mentioned how imp it is for our generation to be involved with literature and why we shld write no matter how gud or bad we are at it.
Its gud to see u write, u know u r very gud at it, so pls continue to do so and yes, we look forward to ur book. U write much better than a certain Chetan Bhagat whom the whole country go ga ga abt.
Take care :)
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